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cated 30 kilometers from Luanda. In this restraint and the conduct of negotiations. nal--ed.]
situation we sent at first not regular troops, During his visit to Africa [in March In this fashion, it would be desirable,
but rather groups of commandos. 1977], Fidel Castro met first with Siad Barre that in connection with this everything
It is true that subsequently an agree- and then in Ethiopia with Mengistu, and should be entirely clear - I am interested first
ment was reached between Cuba and the So- agreed with them to conduct a historic meet- and foremost in the logic of the develop-
ment of events, namely, the logic. subversive activity; even such moderate advisors of various categories, rendering
Let us turn now to Latin America, government leaders as Lopez-Portillo are assistance in the organization of the armed
where, as you say, beginning in 1975, there completely open in their adherence to this forces and training of the Nicaraguan army.
has been a return to events characteristic of view. I believe that he knows [Venezuelan That is all that we have there.
the 1960 s. President] Carlos Andres Perez. I believe When we hear the repeated pronounce-
As you indicate, there was a tranquil that Carlos Andres Perez is a right-wing ments of the esteemed Secretary of State
period in relations between the United States Social Democrat and holds to the same as- about our dispatch of 500-600 soldiers to
and Cuba. I would say, as you did, that this sessment. All who, during the course of Nicaragua, and the statements of other lead-
tranquil period was interrupted by the events many years, have engaged in analysis of the ers in the United States to the effect that we
in Angola. I believe that this was connected circumstances in Central America, all who, have there 3,000 military instructors, all of
to the pride of Secretary of State Kissinger, during the course of many years have stud- this seems truly absurd to us, inasmuch as,
who had his own plan for a solution for ied it, have come to the opinion that this situ- it seems to me, we are in a position to know
Angola, which did not include the govern- ation is inflammable, naturally inflammable. what we have there. We are prepared to
ment of Agostinho Neto[:] this is aptly de- The circumstances of the struggle publish a list of those 500 persons, who went
scribed by [ex-CIA officer John] Stockwell against Somoza gave rise to these events. there on the day when [U.S. columnists
in his book [In Search of Enemies], which We helped the Sandinista front in every way Roland] Evans and [Robert] Novak wrote
nobody could deny and Kissinger, having that we could, with all of the means that we that in the course of two days, 500 Cubans
maintained ties with us, from that moment were able to deploy. But we were not the arrived; we can state their names, the place
became our most sworn enemy. only ones who helped them. You know that where they lived in Cuba, and the place
The administration of Carter came to there were several governments in Latin where they were teaching in Cuba. We can
power and brought to life a prolonged and America who helped them substantially tell you the places, where they are teaching
difficult process. We believe that the prin- more than we did. Thus, this was a situa- now. We can publish the names and places
cipal actors in the Carter administration un- tion, which was regarded by Latin America of employment of the 2,700 Cubans located
derstood the gist of events in Angola, but as a fatal tumor which it was necessary to in Nicaragua. And this will be easy to verify.
that, unfortunately, the information of the remove. It is true that we have there 2,759 persons.
CIA about Shaba was completely mistaken. We are close friends with the This is true. But it can be easily and univer-
On the very day [25 May 1978] when Sandinistas. [But] It would be a serious sally verified, that there are no [Cuban] sol-
I was to meet, and did meet with Cyrus mistake to believe that the Sandinistas rely diers in Nicaragua.
Vance in New York, one hour beforehand on the advice that we give them. On the It surprises us to hear talk that Cuba
President Carter delivered a speech in Chi- contrary, they have a very clear concept of has sent arms, which Nicaragua has received
cago, in which he laid on us the responsi- that which they are required to do. for its defense, and that such arms are fun- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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