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with the physical stuff of your image, but your ego once, and able to manipulate with full awareness
remains relatively detached from it, you see. within each. "
Session 408, Page 273 "There are other drugs Session 413, Page 300 "No physical condition is
however, and if these are discovered and utilized, irreversible, with the exception of loss of limbs and
then these developments could occur within the definite physical organs. The personality is always
field of psychology itself. The drugs release certain free to choose, in your terms, its future. But the
barriers that stand between the physical body and its choice is with the inner self, which is the real
other forms. One such plant resembles the cotton identity.
plant, yet with very small yellow or yellow white
seeds, and grows in certain portions of Africa. Its Session 416, Page 312 "However, the doctor of
effect would seem to be highly hallucinatory. The whom I am speaking also has an excellent bedside
hallucinations however would be quite valid manner, so to speak and he usually communicates
journeys into other realities. with other levels of the personality that are
unknown to the ego.
Session 410, Page 283 "Physicists however will be
forced to recognize that the energy within molecular Session 416, Page 313 "Earlier I recommended a
structures has its origin LI good hypnotist, hoping that the woman might find
elsewhere. They will be forced to postulate the her way if positive suggestions were given; for even
existence of an unknown force, always existing if the inner self had solved its problems, it would
despite newer current theories. No postulated new need help, psychological help, in reversing the
force theory will be able to explain reality. physical trend. I hoped such a hypnotist could act
therefore as a guide, if the personality was ready to
Session 410, Page 284 "True identity is as much begin a journey to health. The inner personality was
divorced from ego reality as the photograph is from not ready.
the person. "
Session 416, Page 313 "For if you will forgive me,
Session 410, Page 284 "Knowledge automatically the material is much more significant because it is
changes the personality and the camouflage backed up by someone who is no longer within your
structure through which it flows. Knowledge, in system.
other words, is action. "
Session 417, Page 316 "This is not the Cayce
Session 412, Page 294 "Consciously you work with material, with information seemingly coming from
what you call a one-reality field psychological some vast storehouse of knowledge. In those terms
structure. Other portions of your entire entity are no such storehouse exists. Knowledge does not
not so limited. This is simplified. Consciously you exist independently of the one who knows.
deal with those problems of one given physical life. Someone gave Cayce the material. It did not come
Consciously you are not aware of what you call out of thin air. It came from an excellent source, a
pyramid gestalt personality, with definite may not be more to know. It does not mean, and
characteristics, but the alien nature of the here words quite fail us, it does not mean that All
personality was too startling to Cayce, and he could That Is, in any terms we can conceive of, may not
not perceive it. be limited. It knows of no other. "
Session 417, Page 317 "It will help also at times if, Session 426, Page 25 "An entity does not
when hearing various voices that have annoyed you "remember" when a portion of it existed within
in the past, you try to think of them in terms of your system. In its time that portion simply is.
images and colors. At other times simply go along
with them, without such ideas, and your intuitions Session 430, Page 42 "Time is an apple. Time is no
will deliver their own product. apple. Time is a worm in an apple. Time is a worm
not in an apple; and yet such definitions will be
Session 418, Page 325 "We are Seth, and whenever absolutely meaningless to most people, for they can
we have spoken we have been known as Seth. The only think of time in terms of days or hours, and
entity had its beginning before the emergence of they do not think of time as an experience itself, or
your time. It was instrumental, with many other quite simply, being.
entities, in the early formation of energy into
physical form. We are not alone in this endeavor, Session 430, Page 43 "Now some personalities from
for through your centuries other entities like us have one system aid other personalities from other
also LII appeared and spoken. systems, but highly developed personalities, those
in your terms so far advanced, will set for
Session 419, Page 326 "In out of body experiences themselves the task of aiding an entire civilization;
from the dream state however, there is a lowering of assisting the development of a new system, and
rather than a heightening of body temperature. sometimes initiating the existence of that
system...Now you are aiding in the development of
Session 420, Page 333 "The quality of the those consciousnesses that compose the cells and
challenges is often an indication of the heights that molecules within your own bodies.
are possible. In the early background of each
individual, in each life, you will find the material They learn from you almost through a process of
for development. The development to be based osmosis. Dimly through many cycles of such
upon problems overcome and challenges accepted activities, they become aware of the existence of
and conquered. You do not give complicated conceptual thought.
problems to an idiot to solve. You give him simple
ones. Personalities bent upon great endeavors often Session 432, Page 48 "It is important that you
set themselves great problems. The problems are understand that time puts limitations and barriers in
not meaningless. They are like examinations. the way of perception. This does not mean that each
individual at such a state is isolated, nor that he
Session 421, Page 338 LIII Book 9 "There are dwells in some universe of his own, for interactions
personalities far more developed than my own; always exist.
there are personalities that operate in a context that
even I would find extremely alien, but no particle of Session 433, Page 51 "If every cell se
individuality is ever lost, and no experience. " up conditions of its own existence you would not
have a body. The conditions blind you to what life
Session 425, Page 18 "The idleness, if prolonged, is is, even to the miraculous balance and imbalance of
not idleness. Concentration upon physical data takes physical and nonphysical that allows you to think
the conscious mind off for a trip, and it gives the and breathe. Forget your conditions and you will
inner self greater freedom to initiate new realize the meaning of joy within your own life.
developments and intuitional creations. These,
incidentally, can help you understand the true Session 440, Page 96 "The whole development of
nature of time. " your individuality and of your whole self is a gift of
All That Is; a state of grace is the acceptance of life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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